Responsabilitat Social a la PIME Catalana

Thursday, April 12, 2007

RSC i el canvi climàtic

Un tema per a la reflexió... amb tot l'alarmisme del canvi climàtic, les empreses estan dirigint les seves estratègies de RSC en pal·liar els efectes d'aquest fenòmen perquè és el que es porta ara. És del que s'està parlant i devatent. Es desvien fons prèviament destinats a aspectes de desigualtat social més pròxims. Com ho interpretem?

Ericsson CSR Report 2006

Swedish telecommunications company LM Ericsson has published its Corporate Responsibility Report for 2006. The printed version of the report is complemented by a more extensive online version at where all key performance indicators, as well as GRI G3 (Global Reporting Initiative) related information, can be found.
The report includes details of:
- a 35 per cent improvement in the energy efficiency of Ericsson's 3G radio base stations during 2006
- comments by Carl-Henric Svanberg, president and CEO of Ericsson, on climate change and company initiatives to address energy consumption
- research carried out by Ericsson on the socio-economic contribution of mobile communications to everyday life in Africa
- a partnership with other industry leaders to establish pioneering bio-fuel projects in Nigeria and India
- performance details of Ericsson's risk-based approach for monitoring compliance with its Supplier Code of Conduct
- Ericsson's decision to address human rights issues and join the Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights (BLIHR).